Saturday, January 24, 2009

Life with Four Kids

Madilyn and Benjamin were in our church's kid's pageant at Christmas. Madilyn was a hummingbird and Benjamin was a lamb. Madilyn only had one line and it was with all of the hummingbirds...Benjamin had three lines and did really well at memorizing them and speaking loud enough for everyone to hear and understand him. They are still, a month after the Christmas pageant, walking around the house singing their songs. It was the cutest Christmas program EVER!!

Noah was bundled up to go to the doctor...he looks like the kid on the movie, "A Christmas Story".

The kids are anxiously waiting for Mommy to get ready so we could all go to church. Let me just tell you that getting four kids and myself ready to go to church all by myself (since Lou has to be there so early) is no easy feat. It's a good thing I only have one girl that has to have her hair done. I seriously don't know how my mom did it with four girls.

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