Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Little Man

He's so lovable...and we're cherishing every fleeting baby moment.  Because they ARE fleeting.  A couple of weeks ago, we said "bye, bye" to the pacifier.  His smile is constantly changing more and more into a little boy smile, as opposed to the toothless baby grin, with every new tooth that comes in.  He's running around the house, chasing his older brothers and sister.  We're getting ready to make the transition from high chair to booster chair.  See, fleeting baby moments.  And I have a feeling that before too long, we will be kissing the morning nap goodbye. 

I love that he's started running up to us and hugging our legs.  He still loves to cuddle and rock before bed. 

While still not talking much, besides the occasional "dada", "mama", "bye, bye", and "hi", he can roar when you ask him what a dinosaur says (the in-house resident dinosaur expert, a.k.a. his oldest brother, is so proud!).  He loves to play pat-a-cake.  Always enjoys a never-ending game of peek-a-boo.  Can "shake it" on cue (and I must say that this is the cutest thing EVER).  Likes to nod his head yes and shake his head no.  His favorite toy is a Little Tykes laptop that Jacob got for Christmas a couple of years ago.  But his favorite thing to do is eat.  And while there's not much he doesn't like, fruit is definitely his favorite.

Out of the older three kids, he definitely favors Madilyn the most.  He has his sister's fine hair (hence the wild-man hair that he constantly sports).   So far he seems to be a little more laid back than the other two boys (which isn't saying a whole lot...he's still quite active) his sister was.  They have the same eyes.  The same face-shape.  Same nose and mouth.  He's just a boy-version of Madilyn all around.

We have very few "baby" months left.  And I am so glad that once school starts back in August, and all three of the older ones will be in school, that it will just be him and I at home.  How only have one at home!  To get to have one-on-one time with my baby.  And I plan on cherishing every moment.  Because before I know it....HE will be going off to school, too. 

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